CameoSys 1.1 January 1994 ============================================================================== This is an old SYSEX dump program, and should only be used temporary until a better program is available. It does transmitting and receiving of SYSEX files by MIDI. It can also be used for receiving SDS dumps. ============================================================================== How to use it. 1. For transmitting a file by MIDI: > camsys -t filename 2. For receiving a file by MIDI: > camsys -r filename Then start dump from remote device (synth). 3. For sending bits and bytes: > camsys -s #1,#2,#3,...,#n Where # is a hexadecimal number (00-FF), or a code (see help). 4. For help: > camsys -? 5. For receiving Sample Dump: > camsys -s ,/r ** /r = receive into file Sample Dump Request: F0 7E cc 03 ss ss F7 cc = channel number (0-15 = 1-16) ss ss = sample number requested (LSB first) Receive first sample on midi channel 1 into file 'dog.sds': > camsys -s F0,7E,00,03,00,00,F7,/rdog.sds Receive second sample on midi channel 6 into file 'cat.sds': > camsys -s F0,7E,05,03,01,00,F7,/rcat.sds A batch file could look something like this: @echo off echo ** GetSDS echo ** Usage: GETSDS midiChannel sampleNumber(00-FF) filename echo ** camsys -s F0,7E,%1,03,%2,00,F7,/r%3 Remember: all numbers in hexadecimal! Please note that receiving MIDI SDS with a standard SYSEX program takes *MUCH* longer time than with a real SDS receiver program. ============================================================================== -o-